Getting involved in real estate is a big life decision that can involve a lot of paperwork. That's why it's crucial to take an informed and well-planned approach. We are here to guide you through the process.
We prioritize customer satisfaction and a satisfied customer is always well informed and well represented. We will help you make the best decision about your real estate needs.
A page on my website will be created to promote your property with a detailed description of the property with high-quality color photographs
Do you have real estate questions and concerns? We will provide the professional real estate services you need, 7 days a week.
Phone solicitation, door-to-door, social media advertising to solicit new customers and increase the power of our network.
We adjust our home rate to always be competitive and if you are not satisfied with my services you can terminate the contract at any time at no additional cost.
"Rachel Tremblay et Antoine Routhier forment une équipe de courtiers immobiliers exceptionnelle, fusionnant leur amitié de longue date à une expertise professionnelle remarquable. Étant courtier immobilier depuis près de 5 ans, Rachel s’est taillé une place parmi les plus grands courtiers immobiliers de la province. De son côté, Antoine, diplômé en ingénierie industrielle, apporte une approche analytique et structurée à l'équipe. Ensemble, ils ont créé le Centre immobilier Boischatel et le Centre immobilier Ste-Foy, et dirigent une équipe immobilière où règnent les valeurs de bienveillance et d'intégrité."