The reasons and characteristics for buying a property vary from person to person. It is therefore
very important to discuss your specific needs with me before visiting a property. Before meeting
with me, make a list of important characteristics and identify your specific needs such as location,
price, type of property, number of rooms, environment, important public services, etc. Check with
your financial institution (for information purposes only) to see how much mortgage you can afford.
When the time comes to look at the best mortgage opportunity, I will really be there for you thanks
to my multiple high quality contacts.
Contact me
Once you have done your needs analysis, contact me. If you are moving to a location far away from the
large area in which I work, I can refer you to a professional broker in
the desired area.
Expenses to expect at the signing of the deed of sale
Notary fees
The calculation of the reimbursement to the seller (if any) will be made from the date of
occupancy and you will have to reimburse the seller for the number of days already paid by him,
for the following property taxes:
Municipal Taxes
School Taxes
Heating oil tank: If the property is equipped with an oil heating system, the seller must have
the tank filled on the day of the deed of sale and bring the invoice to the notary's office,
which the buyer must reimburse in full.
Electricity (Hydro-Québec) and gas (Gaz Métropolitain) meters: The buyer and seller must notify
Hydro-Québec and Gaz Métropolitain (if applicable) of the date of the change of ownership so
that the meters can be read on that date and the amounts charged to the buyer and seller
respectively on the date of occupancy of the property.
Homeowner's insurance: It is important to remember that at the time of signing the deed of sale,
you will be required to provide proof of homeowner's insurance for an amount equal to or greater
than the mortgage in place.
Expenses to expect after the signing of the deed of sale
The duties on real estate transfers or "Welcome Tax"
The municipality in which you have moved will send you a transfer tax bill, within four (4) to
six (6) months following the signing of the deed of sale, and it is calculated according to the
sale price and the following scale:
0.50% of the first $52,800
1.00% from $52,800.01 to $264,000
1.50% over $264,000
Moving expenses, painting, decorating, etc.
Rachel Tremblay
5332 av Royale (Boischatel) et 2828 Quatre-Bourgeois (Sainte-Foy, Québec)
(418) 850-0010
Équipe RT
5332 av Royale (Boischatel) et 2828 Quatre-Bourgeois (Sainte-Foy, Québec)